Health Tips - Nancy Branberg
Nancy Branberg Health Tips

"Regular Health Tips From Specialist Physical Therapist Nancy Branberg..."

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What Is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

What Is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Pelvic floor physical therapy can help if you want to improve your pelvic floor strength. If you are having issues with bladder leakage, prolapse, or pelvic pain, then visit our Falls Church Physical therapy clinic in Virginia. We all know that taking care of our health is incredibly important. From eating well and meditating toContinue Reading »

Osteoporosis Management for Women

Osteoporosis Management for Women

Osteoporosis management for women is generally a serious thing the older you get. More so for women who have given birth at some point in their lives. If you happen to be a lady over the age of 50 and you’ve had kids, then you’ll need to start putting measures in place now, to helpContinue Reading »

Can A Prolapsed Bladder Be Helped Without Surgery?

Can A Prolapsed Bladder Be Helped Without Surgery?

Are you suffering from a prolapsed bladder? If so, you might find it reassuring to hear that prolapse of the bladder is quite common and affects 2-3% of the female population. It’s estimated that around three million women in the United States alone suffer from this condition; however, many are unaware they have it andContinue Reading »

What’s Causing My Lower Abdominal Pain?

What’s Causing My Lower Abdominal Pain?

When women report lower abdominal pain, they sometimes describe it as an ache or cramps in the lower belly.In practice, lower abdominal pain is pain that occurs explicitly anywhere between the belly button and the pelvis.Generally, the pain subsides over time, with most of the reasons for lower abdominal pain turning out to be nothingContinue Reading »

Is Postpartum Responsible For My Digestive Issues?

Is Postpartum Responsible For My Digestive Issues?

Are you in the postpartum period and suffering from bloating, constipation, gas, or other digestive issues? Giving birth to a child is one of the biggest human marvels you can experience. It’s a miracle, really. However, waiting for the baby to arrive for nine months is nerve-racking for both parents. But for us women, whoContinue Reading »

How Healthy Connections Help Build Our Resilience

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and it kicks off the winter holiday season at our house. And while this year our celebrations are turning out to be very different from what we do traditionally, we are doing our best to embrace the changes and looking for ways to make meaningful connections with our family andContinue Reading »

Sleep: The Foundation of Good Health

Sleep: The Foundation of Good Health

For many hundreds of years we have known the functions of three of the 4 basic drives in life-to eat, to drink, and to reproduce.  But for fourth main biological drive—to sleep—has eluded science for years.  Scientists asking “why we sleep” may have been asking the wrong question.  All animals sleep and sleep persists withContinue Reading »

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