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Nancy Branberg Health Tips

"Regular Health Tips From Specialist Physical Therapist Nancy Branberg..."

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How To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

How To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Every woman should know how to strengthen her pelvic floor muscles. If we were taught how to do it at school, we could avoid many embarrassing problems that naturally start to occur after childbirth and from mid-life onwards when your pelvic floor muscles are weakened.  According to The Pelvic Floor Disorders Network: “A quarter ofContinue Reading »

Can Pelvic Organ Prolapse Cause Fatigue?

Can Pelvic Organ Prolapse Cause Fatigue?

Do you feel “bone-tired”? Like, you are tired, right down to your bones and more tired than you’ve ever felt before? It might seem like an odd connection, but there are several reasons why a pelvic organ prolapse might be causing you to feel that way.  Medical data reveals that more than one-third of womenContinue Reading »

Is The Fear of Covid-19 Stalling Your Path To Recovery?

Is The Fear of Covid-19 Stalling Your Path To Recovery?

Covid has changed the world as we know it. Going about your daily life is currently like exploring an alien world. Everything has turned upside down. But don’t let COVID-19 prevent you from seeking healthcare assistance and physical therapy. My physical therapy clinic operates with COVID compliant guidelines, and my aim is always to keepContinue Reading »

How Common Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

How Common Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Have you been diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse? If you have, don’t worry. You’re not a freak of nature. It might seem like a strange phenomenon that you didn’t even know existed until you got your diagnosis, but it’s incredibly common. Sadly, it’s just not talked about enough, so women feel alone. In women,Continue Reading »

Is It Normal To Have Abdominal Pain After Pregnancy?

Is It Normal To Have Abdominal Pain After Pregnancy?

Is it common to suffer abdominal pain (and stomach pain) after pregnancy?  There are lots going on inside your amazing body after birthing new life into the world and delivering a baby. You have grown a full-term human inside your abdomen, after all. But, as women, we often don’t give ourselves enough credit for theContinue Reading »

Constipation and Pregnancy: What’s The Connection?

Constipation and Pregnancy: What’s The Connection?

Constipation and pregnancy. Is there a link? If you’re pregnant and searching for answers on why you’ve suddenly gone from healthy bowels – that Doctor Mehmet Oz would be proud of and an incredibly “regular schedule” – to one that is, painfully, almost non-existent, please don’t panic.  Don’t worry. It’s 100% normal. There’s a goodContinue Reading »

Can Painful Bladder Syndrome Go Away?

Can Painful Bladder Syndrome Go Away?

Painful Bladder Syndrome. Can it go away? It’s the million-dollar question. It feels like it’ll never go away. But we have good news.  If you have Painful Bladder Syndrome, you know how it feels to lay in bed night after night, desperate to get a good night’s sleep—dreading another, painful, sleep-deprived day. Before the tell-taleContinue Reading »

What is Pelvic Pain?

What is Pelvic Pain?

Are you a female with pain below your belly button? If the pain is in your lower abdomen area, where we usually feel menstrual cramps, childbirth contractions or ovulation pain, it could be pelvic pain. If so, you’re not alone. Many women feel pain in their lower abdomen at various points in their lives, oftenContinue Reading »

How To Treat Urinary Stress Incontinence

How To Treat Urinary Stress Incontinence

How long have you put off dealing with your “leaky bladder”, or urinary stress incontinence (as it’s medically known)? Five years, ten years, decades? According to a National Association for Continence Survey, women wait 6.5 years from the onset of symptoms to seek help for their bladder control problems. Yet, the longer you leave it, the worse thingsContinue Reading »

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